But we can configure timeouts with option ‘w’, $ ncat -w 10 8080 Listener mode in ncat will continue to run & would have to be terminated manually. Now all the connections for port 80 will be forwarded to port 8080.

We can also use NC for port forwarding with the help of option ‘c’, syntax for accomplishing port forwarding is, $ ncat -u -l 80 -c 'ncat -u -l 8080' Now a client can connect to port 10000 on server & will have complete access to our system via bash, $ ncat 1000 Example: 8) Port forwarding via nc/ncat

To create a backdoor, the command is, $ ncat -l 10000 -e /bin/bash We should know how it works in order to secure our system. NC command can also be used to create backdoor to your systems & this technique is actually used by hackers a lot. Example: 7) Create a backdoor via nc/nact We can also copy entire disk partitions using this method, but it should be done with caution. If not using this option, than we will have press ctrl+c to close the connection manually. –send-only option will close the connection once the file has been copied. Here, data.txt is the file that has to be sent. Now on the machine from where data is to be copied, run the following command, $ ncat 8080 -send-only < data.txt Start with machine on which data is to be received & start nc is listener mode, $ ncat -l 8080 > file.txt But none the less if you have come across a system with no ssh/scp, you can also use nc as last ditch effort. NC can also be used to copy the files from one system to another, though it is not recommended & mostly all systems have ssh/scp installed by default. Now you will be able to send & receive data over nc proxy. Use the following commands to do so, $ mkfifo 2way But since we are using a pipe, data can only be transferred & to be able to receive the data back, we need to create a two way pipe. Now all the connections coming to our server on port 8080 will be automatically redirected to server on port 80. NC can also be used as a proxy with a simple command. Than start sending messages & they will be displayed on server terminal. NC can also be used as chat tool, we can configure server to listen to a port & than can make connection to server from a remote machine on same port & start sending message. Let’s assume we want to send or test UDP port connectivity to a specific remote host, then use the following command,Įxample: ~]# ncat -v -u 53 Now our system will start listening a udp port ‘1234’, we can verify this using below netstat command, $ netstat -tunlp | grep 1234 But we can also make connections to UDP ports, for that we can use option ‘u’, $ ncat -l -u 1234 Example: 3) Connecting to UDP portsīy default, the nc utility makes connections only to TCP ports.

This will tell what software is being used to run the web Server. Or we can get banner for OS fingerprinting with the following, Like we can get the complete page content with Now a connection to server with IP address will be made at port 80 & we can now send instructions to server. To connect to a remote system with nc, we can use the following command, Server will now start listening to port 8080 for inbound connections. Ncat can work in listen mode & we can listen for inbound connections on port number with option ‘l’.
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about how to use ‘nc’ command with 10 examples, Example: 1) Listen to inbound connections We can also cause it to capture data being sent by client to understand what they are upto. Admins can also use it as a client for auditing web servers, telnet servers, mail servers etc, with ‘nc’ we can control every character sent & can also view the responses to sent queries. System admins can use it audit their system security, they can use it find the ports that are opened & than secure them.
You need to install using the following command. But in minimal CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 installation you will not find nc as a default package. In most of Debian distributions ‘nc’ is available and its package is automatically installed during installation.